Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Hearts of Harmony Chorus

Big hearts, beautiful voices, happy faces, AND we’re GROWING! Hearts of Harmony Chorus, 28 members strong a few short years ago, now boasts 45 members…with an additional 2 prospective in the wings!!! This growth is very inspiring to the chorus! We know it takes the ‘village of us’ hanging posters, word of mouth, local advertising, performing, social media, etc. and it’s working! We’re attracting new singers and performing at new venues, and ‘Heavens to Murgatroyd’, we couldn’t be happier!

Singing out 13 times from August thru December, left us feeling very grateful ‘for and within’ our community, always warmly welcoming. Speaking of warm….One of these performances was a ‘triple-hitter’ on the ‘not so warm’ Ross Street Patio in January! That’s right; we sang outside for one and a half hours and while it could be considered chilly at -6 degrees, we were thankful that it wasn’t colder…brrr….

Hearts enjoyed 8 Christmas performances this past season with heads bobbing, toes tapping, and big smiles. The newest addition to our festive program was our ‘sing-along section’ placed mid-way in our performance and led by our ‘Guitar Stars’ who were very well received - our audiences loved this! Sure, we can sing for them BUT they loved joining in when it came to their well-known favourites! This addition definitely added another fun element to our chorus performance.

In December we LOVED singing to a full house at our Christmas Concert where admission was ‘by donation’ with proceeds going to the Red Deer Christmas Bureau. They were delighted to receive our cheque for $1,650.00!!! Community strong!!!

Hearts of Harmony is an extraordinarily welcoming chorus of friendly women who truly enjoy singing and playing together, supporting each other as only chorus sisters can. We are very proud and thankful of & for our Director Extraordinaire, Sheryl Brook. Sheryl works hard, inspiring and motivating us with her sunny disposition and consistently positive leadership style. She is a gifted talent with the biggest heart and the best attitude, complimenting her toolbox of talent and expertise…not to mention her beautiful voice! We are grateful for her always.

We (along with our audiences) enjoy performances by our two Quartets: Gilt & Silver Linings, and I’m happy to report that we are making a concerted effort to entice more of our members to try Quartet’ting …we’ve 2 volunteer Quartet Coordinators in position and we can hardly wait to see what magic they weave to help our members get over their hesitations and form another quartet or two…or three…stay tuned!

I can’t miss mentioning Halloween which involved a SPOOTACULAR rehearsal, with great costumes, great treats, & some singing thrown in!     

Hearts of Harmony is a growing (we were compelled to purchase additional risers to hold us all…with back bars to ensure we don’t lose anyone …out the back door), thriving chorus of wonderful women who are now ‘laser focused’ on upcoming Contest in Edmonton this May.

Our contest songs are going under the microscope once again, with assistance from Anne Downton, our Guest Coach joining us during our February Retreat! We are excited to get ‘up close & personal’ with Anne and looking forward to the new jewels of advice and direction she will bring us.