Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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p-Melo O Kona - Aloha from the beautiful island of Hawaii

I would love to tell you that we are returning to in-person rehearsals, but alas, that is not possible.  Our rehearsal location (pre pandemic) has closed operations.  We did find another location that would be perfect (and free!), but they are not yet open to groups due to the pandemic. That seems to be a theme around here.  

So, for now, we are continuing rehearsing via Zoom.  We are learning new songs, and as we get closer to the holidays, we will pick up our holiday songs in the hopes we can do some caroling around the area.  We have also talked about having rehearsals at a local park, with only a few people - sections, quartets, etc.  

We do have some good news, though.  Two of our members who are off island for the summer, will be returning to the island mid October.  We are looking forward to just knowing they are here, even though we will still be Zooming!

Our hope is that things will open up soon.  Several of our members have dropped off, or not even joined up via Zoom.  Trying to recruit new members has been VERY difficult without being in-person.  But, I remain positive and hopeful.  

Linda Rowand

Note: Linda is a dual member at Gateway, primary chorus is SAI Capital City Chorus in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the certified musical director for a prospective chapter in Kona, Hawaii – p-Melo O Kona

Linda moved to Hawaii from Indianapolis, where she was a member of Capital City Chorus (Region 4) for 41 years and has maintained membership with them.  Since there is no Sweet Adeline Chorus in Hawaii, she is trying to get one started on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Because she couldn't get enough singing during the pandemic, Linda "visited" several chorus around the world, through Zoom and came across Gateway Chorus' guest night and was "hooked" the very first rehearsal.  It was the perfect chorus (and director) for Linda.  They fit her personality perfectly, and she thinks they felt the same about her.  Linda always feel so warm and excited after rehearsal night.  So, she kept at it, sent in her audition recording, and was accepted as a dual member.  

Linda is now a member of Region 4 (CCC) and Region 26 (Gateway), and working on starting a chorus in Region 21 (Mele O Kona)!  She couldn't have done this without Zoom. And, on top of it, her husband, Jeff, is so patient and supportive. She couldn't ask for a better partner. 

We look forward to meeting Linda in person someday in Region 26!

  1. View from our lanai

  2. Honoapu Bay

  3. Beach on West side of island