Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Hats Off to Holly-Jean!


On October 1, 2023, Alberta Gold had an “affair to remember”.

Our focus was to recognize Holly-Jean Kadonaga for her 14 years of  service to Alberta Gold Chorus as our Director.  During that time, she dedicated herself to learning the intricacies of the barbershop art form.  She became devoted to Alberta Gold, and through numerous education classes offered by the Region and the International organization, the Chorus was able to benefit from the expertise she gained.  Holly-Jean also joined a quartet (Ambrosia), which furthered her interest in being a positive barbershop role model and Sweet Adeline.

The Chorus wanted to express their gratitude for her many years of leadership.  She worked tirelessly towards developing a culture of warmth, caring and friendship.  This led the membership to describe Alberta Gold as the “little chorus with heart”.  She promoted our abilities and led us forward in a positive direction for our future. 

So…. What to do?!

A committee was formed and decided to organize a celebration with the theme “HATS OFF TO HOLLY-JEAN”!  This theme turned out to be ideal for what we had in mind.

The chorus rented a hotel space which provided a beautiful city view, a hot and cold buffet, and elegant décor.  The membership was requested to wear a “hat” (any kind of hat) and that certainly helped to emphasize our theme.  The hats were used to demonstrate the many talents of Holly-Jean.  You see --- Holly-Jean is always involved in any chorus activity, and therefore many “hats” arrived at the party scene.  Creativity had flourished --- cowboy hats, construction hats, sombreros, beach hats, tuques, helmets, graduation hats, boaters, visors, and many more.   

Lots of laughing, sharing, and visiting ensued.  The chorus truly enjoyed their time together….. a time to sing, eat, and “be merry”.  

A specialty cake was made in the shape of a ”top-hat”.  The cake looked like an exact replica of her gift…. a ceramic “top-hat” with a musical motif.  Hence --- “HATS OFF TO HOLLY-JEAN”.

In advance of the party, each chorus member was invited to submit a tribute (or memory) of their time with Holly-Jean.  These statements were collected and assembled into two scrap-books.  Fortunately, after being our Director for 14 years, we also had the opportunity to combine the chorus’ tributes with hundreds of photos showing Holly-Jean’s participation in chorus parties, performances and activities.  

Holly-Jean holds a special place in all of our hearts.  Her positive leadership and love for Alberta Gold never waivered.  It was a pleasure to honor and celebrate her past accomplishments, while also embracing any future endeavours that she may undertake.  Thankfully, Holly-Jean has chosen to step onto the risers as Bass section leader.  We are thrilled to have her beautiful voice once again singing in harmony amongst us.  There is no doubt that it WAS A PARTY!

Submitted by:  Lynn Piechotta, Helen Brown & Dallas Loschuk