Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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The Last Person on Earth??

A couple of years ago, a message came across my computer about an “Arranger’s Course” that was being offered by Region 26. It was called the Arranger’s Certification Program.  I had no clue as to what this was about! Seriously!!

I had only been a barbershopper for 3.5 years at that time.  I didn’t even know what an arranger was! But, for whatever reason, (perhaps complete and total blind ignorance) I signed up!! Much like my “A Bass Takes a Ride” story that I wrote about my first year’s experience as a Sweet Adeline, my learning curve has been GINORMOUS!! 

Perhaps a little information about my music training is warranted before I go further. I took my Grade Eight Royal Conservatory piano and required theory course OVER 52 YEARS, one marriage, a full time teaching and coaching job, three children and six grandchildren….ago. WHAT WAS I THINKING!! Once I got started on the course, I firmly believed I…..WAS…..THE …..LAST…..PERSON…..ON ……EARTH who should be taking the course!!!!! None the less, I persisted. As I progressed, some of my music training came back a little bit and then a little more. I have never been a good sight reader but I found I was getting better. And, yes, music training is helpful but I have discovered there are people with less training than I who are advancing through this course! It makes my brain hurt sometimes!! I say this in the most positive way, because, I can also say the ACP course is incredibly fascinating and challenging. Arranging MAKES MY BRAIN WORK and at my age, THAT is a good thing! I am beginning to understand the essence of barbershop. I now understand what everyone is talking about when they stress the importance of hitting the chords and making them ring. I’m having a lot of “ah ha” and “oh, I get it now” moments. So even if I never actually become an arranger, I have broadened my barbershop knowledge tremendously. And, the bonus is, my singing is improving!  

One very important bit of information to be noted is that, you won’t have to go through this course alone. The Maple Leaf Region is very supportive of their budding arrangers. They even provide an ACP Coordinator who oversees the needs of the students by setting up ZOOM meetings for discussions and question periods with certified arrangers. They have brought in guest speakers to provide additional learning opportunities. I have also found that the arranging community are very supportive of each other. They are all more than willing to answer questions or help guide you. 

I don’t know if I will ever be an arranger but I can honestly say taking this course has been a terrific and challenging learning experience. I thought I was the last person on earth who should take the course but I have since discovered YOU CAN TOO!! 

By Donna Potts 

Hearts of Harmony Chorus

Red Deer, Ab.