Region 26 Sweet Adelines

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Lisa Hunszinger

Lisa is the musical director of Alberta Northern Lights Chorus in Edmonton. She got her start in Sweet Adelines at Burnaby Chorus (now Westcoast Harmony) in 1990 where she sang for 10 years before moving to Edmonton.

Having caught the “quartet bug” early on, Lisa has sung with several quartets over the years.  She recently sang baritone in Double Take Quartet with her daughter, Kristina. The other half of the quartet was also a mother/daughter duo.  Lisa says, “This has been such a wonderful journey sharing our passion for music with our daughters. It will be an experience that I will always treasure!”

Lisa has held several positions on the Region 26 Education Faculty including coach, Arranger Coordinator, Chapter Visit Coordinator and Education Coordinator. She has also won several awards in her years as a Sweet Adeline. Lisa has won the Novice Arranger, Novice Director, Novice Quartet, Most Improved Chorus and Most Improved Quartet awards. Lisa is currently an Approved Candidate Judge in the Expression category.

Music has been a career, as well as a hobby, for Lisa. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree as a Music Specialist from the University of Alberta and has taught kindergarten as well as music and band at the elementary and junior high levels. Currently, Lisa is the owner of Gymboree Play & Music in Edmonton, which offers programs in music, art and play for babies and toddlers, with their parents. Every day is full of singing, bubbles and laughter!