Holly Saulou


Holly stepped into her barbershop singing, dancing, and quartetting shoes in 1991 with Region 16’s Championship Canadian Showtime Chorus, but her journey across Canada would eventually lead (and baritone, and then bass haha) her home to Region 26 in 2001 and to her hearts light with our award-winning Gateway Chorus. In her over 32 years as a Sweet Adeline, Holly has been honoured to hold positions with both choruses as Choreographer, Directing Team, Sectional Leader, Music Team Member, Marketing Team Member, Management Team, coach, and more.

Holly has been a member of the REF in previous years and has had the privilege of coaching quartets, leading education classes, running fall music workshops and even a contest or two! Bringing a dance, figure skating, cheer, musical theatre, and improv background…Holly is also active in the Director's Certification Program and a lifelong barbershop learner – attending and soaking in events at both the Regional and International levels. As a singer and performer, Holly has extensive chorus experience at regional, harmony classic, and international levels and has also competed as a quartet member in three parts…but found her home in bass as a past Region 26 quartet medalist and most recently part of WHOA! Our 2023 Novice Quartet Winner.

Often touted as putting the #Laugh in Gateway’s #Laugh#Sing#Love Mantra, Holly brings a joyful and exuberant approach to her education and coaching style. Incorporating all aspects of the barbershop art form, from vocal production to authentic character and lyrical delivery, through to visual performance and emceeing - Holly thrives on helping Sweet Adelines shine – and doing it with humour and heart.

In her non-barbershop time (is there such a thing?) Holly is an experienced executive, currently leading the City of Edmonton’s work on Emerging Economy, and has spoken nationally at leadership events while remaining an avid mentor and lifelong learner. Her past teams have described her leadership style as authentic, human, and passionate about people…and she looks forward to exuding the same in her role on the REF. Perhaps her proudest life experience, however, comes as being a single mom to Hailey – who took to the Region 26 stage in wings at the age of 8 weeks old but now keeps her mom busy by leading team bonding sessions for all-star competitive cheerleading as a teen. She is honoured to be part of Region 26’s REF and is committed to helping others grow…while constantly growing herself.

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services. talk.stacey@gmail.com


Cheryl Pearce


Mary Teed