Lisa Hills


Musical experience:

  • I have sung with Westcoast Harmony Chorus since 1998, starting as a Tenor and then moving to Lead

  • I have dualled with 2 other choruses: Endeavour Harmony (2006) and Lions Gate Chorus (2007,2009)

  • I have been the Assistant Director of WHC (and am a Certified Director) and was the Choreographer for 9 years. I also the Lead Section leader.

  • I have produced two very successful shows with WHC and have contributed to much scripting/staging over the years

  • I have competed with 4 different quartets, currently with VITA, 3-time regional medallist and 2-time winners of the Most Improved award (my favorite award)

Organization education:

I’ve attended many regional competitions, including other regions and have attending International and IES multiple times. I have also attended educational events in multiple regions and have attended Queen’s College and Erin Howden’s visual conference as well.

Things I can offer as a coach:

  • Vocal production is my jam, ESPECIALLY the interaction of the body with how the voice is produced. It is all connected. So much of what we do is how we freely product the sound!

  • I can work with any size group, I love working with individuals as well as by the whole group because as the individual improves, so does the whole group

  • Need assistance with Scripting? Staging? Emcee timing and deliver? I can help!

  • Want to develop refine your visual plan and have it work with your best vocal product? I can help

  • Do you need to understand what gifts you bring as a musician and performer? I can help your members find that and own that so they feel confident exploring their gifts to a new level. I believe so many of us leave a lot of our potential untapped because we are afraid or we’ve developed a belief that we can’t. I’m here to tell you.. you CAN!

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services.


Lisa Greenough


Lisa Hunszinger