Region 26 Sweet Adelines
One Region - One Voice
Our Mission
Region 26 is a vibrant community of singers committed to musical excellence in barbershop harmony and the promotion of personal growth and development through education, leadership opportunities and competition.
Region 26 is one of several dozen regions across the globe representing Sweet Adelines International - the world’s largest singing organization that centers on the experiences of women. We are the only 100% Canadian Region and are made up of the following provinces and territories - BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut. The region is governed by a Management Team of eight.
Region 26 has over 800 members in 21 chartered choruses and even more quartets. Take a moment to meet each of our choruses here, and if you find one near you, drop in and check them out - there is likely a place waiting for you on the risers!
Our History
The Region was created in 1981 with the redrawing of several International boundaries. Previously, it had been part of a much larger region, #13 – which encompassed not only all of the current region 26, but the U.S. States of Washington and Alaska as well. Original membership was 923 in 22 chapters and it has remained fairly consistently at the 1,000 member mark ever since. The inaugural convention/competitions were held in 1982 in Vancouver. The winning chorus was Chinook Winds of Calgary, and the champion quartet, Shades of Harmony, also from Chinook Winds.
Our Vision
Pushing the boundaries of musical excellence and channeling the transformative power of barbershop harmony to motivate, educate, inspire and change the lives of all members across our regional borders.
Elaine Cotton, Baritone of Brava! Quartet, 2004 International Quartet Champions
Carol Poole Spirit of 26 Award
The Carol Poole Spirit of 26 Awards are presented to the nominees deemed most characteristic of the exceptional Sweet Adeline in each Chorus. Each prospective or chartered chapter of our region is invited to submit one candidate.