Alberta Gold Chorus - Harmony with Heart
Holly-Jean Kadonaga
For the past twelve years Holly-Jean Kadonaga has directed and energetically lead the activities of Alberta Gold. Looking ahead to chorus life after COVID-19, Holly-Jean has advised the chorus that she is retiring and requested that Alberta Gold begin the search for a new director. Once we are able to get back to the risers and singing, Holly-Jean wants Alberta Gold to move into the next few years with new leadership.
Over many years as a chorus member, Holly-Jean has committed herself heart and soul to the best interests of Alberta Gold, enthusiastically participating in diverse endeavours, whether placing the risers, attending sing-outs, serving on the Board and Committees, socials or assisting individual members with music or sewing costumes. In 2003, Holly Jean was awarded the Spirit of 26, and if permitted, she would have received it many times over. Her love of music brought Holly-Jean to Alberta Gold 25 years ago, and during that time she has sung with the chorus, other choirs and with the quartet Ambrosia. In Ambrosia’s first regional competition, they won best novice quartet.
As our Musical Director, Holly-Jean contributed countless hours to chorus for rehearsals alone, developing innovative warm-ups and practices, dissecting and reconstructing music so that the chorus can find the ‘p’ notes or ‘doh,’ where the clashes are or the chords that ring. She’s been a leader in music education, inspiring chorus members to learn, improve, and strive to do better. Holly-Jean dynamically brought talented coaches and instructors to work with us and pursued SAI training opportunities for herself as a Musical Director, always wanting to bring what she learned back to the chorus.
While Musical Director, Holly-Jean guided, encouraged, and believed in us through innumerable sing-outs, creative shows, and frequent competitions. In many ways Holly-Jean has been the glue for the chorus, always purposeful, directing us thoughtfully, and considerately. Her positivity and faith bolstered the chorus even while she urged us to do better, to be birds gently landing ‘on top of the wire.’ Her dedication, leadership and loyalty to the chorus are genuinely appreciated. Happily, Holly-Jean plans to resume singing and will share her awesome baritone again with the chorus. During our current zoom sessions, she continues to lead us and support the music team. Her knowledge of and joy in music will help us regenerate and focus on the future for Alberta Gold as a chorus singing harmony with heart.