Magic City Chorus Fall 2019

Magic City Chorus has been very busy since returning from our summer break.  


August Activities:

10th - We sang at one of our new members wedding – we sang her down the aisle, sang with her during her vows, sang during signing of register and sang her out.  It was a beautiful outside wedding and a new experience for us.

15th - Saskatoon has an outside event called “Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan” that runs all summer long in huge outdoor tents beside the river bank.  We performed on their ‘ pre-show’ entertainment stage.

Magic city wedding.jpg

September Activities:

Sang on our rehearsal night at a long term care facility.  We like to do this about 4 - 5 times/year.

October Activities:

Oct 4/5 - We hosted Saskatchewan’s area school with Kim Wonders. There was a good representation from all three choruses and some from outside the province as well.  61 members in attendance. Friday night was very energizing and a lot of fun for all.

Oct 25/26 - We hosted a Harmony Explosion Camp for youth (mixed voices), ending with a show,
“A Cappella Showcase” featuring all the BBS choruses in Saskatoon (Magic City, Chimo Chordsmen, Acoustic Theory and the Harmony Explosion choruses (guy, girls, mixed).

29th -  Magic City Chorus held a guest night on the spookiest rehearsal of the year. We had three guests and another the following week. 

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November Activities:

19th  -  was director appreciation week.
21st (2 sets) and 28th  (3 sets) we sang at “Glow Gardens- Saskatoon” on their main stage. Each set was 45 min in length.

An extraordinary indoor light spectacular with over a million lights.

magic city glow.jpg

December Activities:

6/7 - We are looking forward to our coaching weekend with Sandy Marron.
21st – No singing this time, but doing the coat check at Glow Gardens - fundraising opportunity.

magic director appreciation.jpg

OH BOY......are we ever looking forward to our Christmas break.

Magic City Chorus wishes everyone in Region 26 a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Peace Arch Chorus Fall 2019