Westcoast Harmony

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In December, we took an unbelievable stroll down our own memory lane, celebrating our VIP’s. The ones who paved the way to what we are today.  There were tears. There were laughs. Celebrating those that are still here with us, and those that are watching us from above. We would not be the amazing group of people we are today without them. 

What an incredible “hobby” that we have. Our Sweet Adeline family that is made up of  all different backgrounds, cultures and ages and makes a truly diverse and magical experience come to life. 

Because we KNOW you, WE have been changed for good. 

#Westcoastsings #Strongertogether #sweetads75 #region26rocks #region26 #sweetadelines #sweetadelinesstrong 


Westcoast was so excited to ring in the New Year of 2021 with the launch of our latest, and so far greatest, virtual performance of “Go The Distance.” This song is a simple message that there is a hero in every one of us and we will, together and individually, get through this difficult time.

It was fitting that the music was written for the Disney movie “Hercules,” as it took Herculean effort of 56 WHC members to produce. We rehearsed virtually for four months, recording ourselves singing our respective parts and finally videotaping ourselves. All sound editing was done by our Master Director, Anne Downton, and the video was created by our very talented Erica Yan. Just as exciting was that six members were brand new to WHC. They auditioned, learned the music, and qualified, all since the pandemic—and we haven’t even met in person!

We’ve counted 36 virtual rehearsals (more by the time you read this). They continue to be full of music, learning, and fun, and attendance of 50 to 70 members and guests every week has never faltered. The next few months will feature two new songs, in-depth education from Anne (for example, 3-D space in all word sounds!), and lots of socializing.




Alberta Gold Chorus - Harmony with Heart


Vita Quartet