Hearts of Harmony


Hearts of Harmony is a group of Central Alberta women based in Red Deer who sing four-part a cappella, barbershop style. We are a chord ringing, fun-filled harmony chorus! The group began in Red Deer in 1993 with 6 members and by 2001 the membership had swelled to 20. The following year, Hearts of Harmony became a charter chapter of Sweet Adelines International and has enjoyed this world-wide organization's support through education and competition ever since.

Vocal instruction is part of the chorus experience, and there is an emphasis on friendship and fun as well! Sheryl Brook, a barbershopper since 1979, has been our director since 2006.  She brings leadership, joy and love to the chorus.

Hearts of Harmony performs at central Alberta community functions, nursing homes, churches, women's conferences, and private functions. We sing traditional barbershop, jazz, rock, gospel, and show tunes. The group regularly hosts a concert showcasing our latest music and often featuring guest vocalists. We also compete regionally as part of Region 26 Sweet Adelines, with a goal of increasing our ability to emotionally satisfy and entertain our audiences. In addition to the full chorus, the group has a number of quartets who also perform.  Whatever the venue, our musical and visual delivery of melodies comes from the heart!

To date, Hearts has 36 members who travel from Carstairs, Olds, Sundre, Innisfail, Sylvan Lake, Ferintosh, Stettler, and Lacombe to join Red Deer women weekly to improve their skills and learn new music. We meet to rehearse on Mondays 6:30 - 9p.m. at Davenport Church, 68 Donlevy Avenue, Red Deer.

For information on joining the chorus, contact Yvonne at 403 307 5920, or email membership@heartsofharmony.ca. For booking information contact Sheila at 403 346 1994 or email performance@heartsofharmony.ca.

Join us for rehearsals, Monday Evenings at 6:30pm, Davenport Church of Christ in Red Deer

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services. talk.stacey@gmail.com


Gateway Chorus


Rhythm of the Rockies