region 26 sweet adelines

International Achievements

L to R - Marcia Pinvidic, Cammi MacKinlay, Marsha Fulton

L to R - Marcia Pinvidic, Cammi MacKinlay, Marsha Fulton

The first foray by a regional member onto the International scene was by Joey Minshall as a member of the International Music Arranger's Program. Joey is still a prolific and highly sought-after arranger of great imagination. When International made the decision to separate BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan from Region 13 and create Region 26, Joey was the first Director of Musical Activities (DMA, now Education Coordinator). She created the Director Certification Program, and International adopted the DCP as a way to train Directors and musical leaders.

In 1997 Marcia Pinvidic went International as the region's first Approved Judge in Expression. She is currently a member of the International Faculty, Chair of the International Nominating Committee, a member of the EDC, a Certified Expression Judge, Judge Specialist Moderator, and Past International President. Sandy Robinson Marron followed her lead. She is currently a certified Sound Judge. Judy Pozsgay Rimple is an Approved Judge in the Showmanship category. Corinna Garriock has achieved Certified Music Judge status, is a member of the EDC, acts as the EDC Arranger Liaison, is on the editorial review board, is a member of the International Faculty as Chair fo the Arranger Certification Program taskforce. Lisa Greenough is an approved judge in the Showmanship Category, and Lisa Hunzinger is a candidate judge in the Expression category. Region 26 is also proud to be home to Marsha Fulton, judge emerita in the Expression category, Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and Past International President.

Three members of Region 26 have served on the International Board of Directors - Ellen Gallacher, Cammi MacKinlay and Marcia Pinvidic. Cammi is a Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and Past International President. Elaine Cotton has served on the now-disbanded International Showcase Committee. Corinna Garriock and Anne Downton are members of the Published Music Sales/Marketability Committee. And of course, Region 26 is very proud to be the home of the 2004 International Quartet Champions, Brava! (Sandy Robinson Marron, Lynn Gerard, Shannon Harris, Elaine Cotton), the 2012 International Quartet Champions, Martini (Corinna Garriock, Michelle Little (Region 14) Shannon Harris & DeAnne Haugen (Region 3)), and the 2017 International Quartet Champions, Frenzy (Melissa Pope (MAL), Nikki Blackmer (Region 13), Anne Downton, and Judy Pozsgay (CAL).

Region 26 is also proud to have 3 members on the Inclusivity Taskforce; Sofia deRama, Karri Quan, and Yvonne Meyer.