Harmony Rising (Alberta Gold)
Introducing Harmony Rising Chorus!
For over 40 years, Alberta Gold Chorus has been singing "harmony with heart", but we felt it was time for a refresh. We honour the past, but we also want to move forward into a new future, with a new director, new members and a fresh start. So, on December 1, we officially became Harmony Rising chorus. We're very excited about our new name - for us it symbolizes moving forward together in a positive way. It speaks to rising in friendship, musical growth, and barbershop sound. It will inspire us to learn new things and work together as a team to accomplish our goals. Of course, there's lots of work ahead (rebranding and all the associated activities), as well as the hard work to achieve our musical goals, but we're excited to take these first steps and about what the future holds for Harmony Rising!
Under a new name we celebrated a year of hard work at our annual Christmas party, where a good time was had by all. One of our members created a Wishing Tree, and everyone was encouraged to place their wishes for the chorus on the tree; the wishes will be opened and shared at next year's party, Of course we also ate, and sang, and shared a fun gift exchange, but mostly we enjoyed spending the time together celebrating the year past and looking forward to the year to come.
And what a year it will be! We kicked off January with a coaching retreat with the fabulous Lisa Greenough, who not only gifted us with her musical expertise, but led us through a values and goal-setting exercise which is really going to help us move forward. We articulated our chorus values of Love - Dedication - Fulfilment, and set some ambitious goals for the coming year. And we had so much fun doing it! In the evening hours there were games, charades, performances, karaoke and sing-along, and lots and lots of laughter.
Finally, very excited to share that we are having a show in June featuring songs in which we find strength. More information is coming - just finalizing the venue. Until then, happy singing, Harmony Rising is looking forward to seeing you all in Surrey!