Pacific Edge Chorus

Monthly Meat Draw Fundraiser

Submitted by Fran Errington.

Christmas 2024 was a busy and fun time for Pacific Edge Chorus. We don’t always do community Christmas performances but this year was our 2nd annual! Our singouts were organized by Lisa and Jena with enthusiastic participation by many, including 4 of our new gung-ho Chorus members. Santa was behind us all the way! We finished our day’s singing tour of Christmas occasions with a performance and lunch at Victoria’s Legislative Buildings. Beautiful venue, sounds and delicious fare!

We topped off our season with a Christmas Potluck gift exchange with honours to our director and section leaders. Where would we be without them? 

Our new fundraising team led by Lori S., has created a survey to check our Chorus’ interest in doing, yet another, Chorus tour/vacation. We do love spending time learning about each other! We shall see where that leads. Speaking of fundraising , we have started hosting a monthly meat draw at a local Pub to raise awareness and funds and have a few laughs together. The first one was a blast… raising much need $$$ for our future plans.

The next few months include coaching, a much anticipated retreat, summer performances and of course, the Annual Contest in Surrey. We have two new songs and are studying diligently to put on a great performance. See you there! 


Battlefords Blend


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