Peace Arch Chorus February 2022
Peace Arch Chorus, Silver Medalists, small chorus category.
February 24 to present
Pat Harper, the PAC’s Anchor and Rock departed this land. Pat was Peace Arch and Sweet Adeline. Her PAC friends are reeling….an apt description from a former quartet mate:
“I will be thinking of her every time I see a Sweet Adeline costume, every time I hear a four-part harmony sung, and every time I think of friendship! She was stubborn as all get out and generous to a fault, and we will have a huge hole in our chorus without her to fill it!
I’m devastated … ”
In so many ways Pat was humble. She never liked to be singled out. Whatever she did, she did for Peace Arch. In these early days since February 24, 2022, Pat’s Sweet Adeline life records, before joining Peace Arch Chorus, are not complete. We will be connecting with her former riser mates and Directors to portray the very huge image of Pat Harper and her over 40 years as a Sweet Adeline.
The photo above shows the final costume Pat crafted for Peace Arch.
Before February 24
The New Year zoomed until the end of January for Peace Arch Chorus PAC. We returned to the Newton Cultural Center with very strict covid protocols in place for in person rehearsals …..Covid passport scanned; Masks; Restricted movement in the facility ie no breakout rooms for sectionals; Fresh air breaks. The CO2 monitor is very helpful.
It was a joyous distanced reunion January 26/22 although the risers were not in place for our first in person rehearsal in 2022. Some were hesitant, but reassured after observing that protocols were being diligently adhered to by all.
When there is no available space for sectionals, patience is a necessity at those oft times when a section is refining a few bars of music. It became a good opportunity for other sections to actively see and hear where they fit a chord. Dueting has prominently come to the fore.
We are a mighty 17 on the risers….well spaced. The Music Team meets via zoom to plan rehearsals. Those who embraced zoom rehearsals found benefits individually. They are more attentive to the other sections’ notes. Masked singing has promoted listening acuity.
The PAC continues a Director Search. Often we attempt to master our sync without direction…..a major member responsibility. Frankly ALL have stepped into the challenge.
PAC is in its’ 50th year. As with all in Region 26, we had dreams of meeting in Saskatoon to celebrate. Oh well, we’ll see you in 2023.
Bev Feick, Peace Arch Chorus Communications