Peace Arch Chorus June 2022
Elvera Collier
The PAC is thrilled, overjoyed, delighted to celebrate our new Director Elvera Collier. No doubt, Elvera does not need any introduction but just in case all are not aware of her many talents; she sings baritone with Lions Gate Chorus where she is Section Leader, Assistant Director, baritone with Copper Moon Quartet and apparently, an obsessed Quilter.
Peace Arch has been on quite a journey in 2022. We returned to in person rehearsals in late January under very strict covid guidelines with masks, distancing, CO2 monitor, fresh air breaks. Sadly, In February, our interim Director and long time Assistant Director, Pat Harper departed this land. We have submitted a separate article describing Pat’s music life.
With the Music Team members in different roles, we pressed on. We committed to prepare for Region 26 contest with the encouragement and coaching of Sandy Marron. Personal responsibility was in our forebrains 110%. Support and achievement were palpable for each one of us as we drew close to dress rehearsal and final night of videoing without masks. All members are vaccinated and on those 2 days, each used a rapid test. Our faces reflected our joy as we viewed our submission…we did it for Pat!
Each member continues with the rapid test on rehearsal days. Members considerably wear a mask during rehearsal if they have been in an environment of positive covid cases.
We are enjoying the structure of having a masterful Director in place again. During the hiatus of no formal Director, we learned much about ourselves as we prepared for contest under the direction of ourselves.
We valued and appreciated the concern which the RMT had for Peace Arch Chorus in early 2022.
Photos Below: Contest 2022! L to R: The traditional cups of vaseline. We watch the video - is it good enough? Teri with our newest members, Evan and Amy.