Westcoast Harmony Chorus

It all paid off! What a thrill! After two years of Zoom rehearsals, followed by outdoor rehearsals, indoor rehearsals in hula hoops, masking, not-masking and masking again, cancellations due to COVID, Zoom coaching . . . on and on, Westcoast achieved 4th place in the International Semifinals in Phoenix, out of a field of 26 competing choruses. That Top Ten score, the first in our 57-year history, took us to the Finals, where we came away with a 6th-place International medal. We couldn’t be more proud.

The accolades keep pouring in—and we are so appreciative of everyone who took the time to send their congratulations. One “very well respected director” asked our director, Anne Downton, via email, “Howdja do dat? Specifically, can you tell me what factors led to this huge leap in performance?” Anne put the question to our members, and here’s what a few of them said:

“A completely positive approach in every way from everyone made me feel that anything was possible.”

“When coaches (and Anne) threw new things at us that we could handle, so they had to throw more, we had more and more confidence that we could do whatever was needed.”

“During COVID, we got to know each other better through the various Zoom breakout rooms. Those connections helped form a bond and got us through the good, and not so good, times.”

Three of our members on the Phoenix stage performed in Westcoast’s very first International appearance, back in 1987 in Hawaii. With them were 12—yes, 12!—new members who had never before attended an International competition. That combination of longevity and new musical talent, led by the one and only Anne Downton, is our future, and we can’t wait! 


Valerie Kuelker


Pacific Edge Chorus