Janice Caravan

Born in Ashcroft B.C., Janice was the eldest of six children. Growing up in various small towns, she did not have access to musical lessons, but had a very good ear and a great voice. When she moved to Kamloops and heard about the local Sweet Adelines chapter on the radio, she thought it would be fun to check it out, and finally have a chance to sing publicly. She fell in love with the harmonies immediately.

Over the past 20 years, Janice has held many hats in the Chorus. Lead section leader, baritone section leader, choreographer, president, secretary, costume coordinator, baritone of the quartet “After 8”, lead in our newest quartet, assistant director, and now director...all this while working full time as a busy hairdresser, traveling frequently to put on Paul Mitchell workshops and shows.

Luckily, she was already a Sweet Adeline when she met her husband, Rob, and he is very supportive. Janice has brought freshness and new vitality to the chorus through her animated directing, educational choices for us, and forward thinking in the areas of music and performance. She was our nomination for Region 26's Spirit of 26, Sweet Adeline of the Year Award for 2008.

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services. talk.stacey@gmail.com


Sheryl Brook


Jo Carter