40 Years of Harmony and Fun

In  Sept. 1982 , 12 determined women gathered to discuss the idea of forming a new Sweet Adelines chorus in Regina.  They set the plan in motion and by 1983, there were another 11 singers lined up. The Prairie Gold Chorus was officially chartered by Sweet Adelines International on Feb. 1, 1983.

Their first director was Rose Peddle who directed from 1983-1990. Under her guidance, the chorus went to the regional competition in Calgary in 1983 and placed second and again in 1984 in Regina placed second.

Over the next 40 years, Prairie Gold achieved 30 regional awards, including receiving 8-1st place Small Chorus awards and 2 -1st place Mid-size Chorus awards. They have also received the award for Most Improved chorus twice.

Marg Ohm stepped up to direct the chorus (1990-1993) until she moved away from the area.

In 1996, under the direction of Marlene Greenough (1994-1996), Prairie Gold attended a Small Chorus Festival in St. Louis, MO.   The chorus made a bus trip there and there were many fun stories about that trip. They had a tuck shop on board to keep the ladies supplied with goodies. They stopped at many great places along the way.

In 2000 in San Antonio, TX,  they had qualified to compete in the IES Harmony Classic under Chris Evans as director (1996-2009). They achieved 4th place in the Sweet Adelines International event, bringing to Region 26 its first International chorus medal. 

In 2003, Prairie Gold qualified to compete in Greenville, SC.   At the competition, they placed second with only 1 point less than the first-place chorus.  In 2009,  Prairie Gold competed in the SAI competition in Nashville, TN.  The co-directors were Helen Olinik and Valerie Neison.  They placed 5th  in the world for small choruses at that event.

Our  current director, Denise Lindenbach has directed Prairie Gold since January, 2010. The chorus sang at Balgonie's  Carol Festival December, 1984,  after which Janet Campbell ( a colleague at  U. of R.)  tapped her on the shoulder and asked “Wanna sing barbershop?”  An immediate reply “Yes”. She was  hooked.

 She went on to become a part of the quartet, A Touch of Gold along with Helen Olinik, a charter member of Prairie Gold, Pearl Hodges and Alison Tkach.  A Touch of Gold celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2020.  Other quartets were Classic Touch, Gold Rush, A Change of Pace and Time After Time which is a current quartet made up of Prairie Gold members.  Another quartet, Give It A Go, competed in 2016 in Saskatoon.

In March, 2006  Prairie Gold teamed up with the production crew of the Canadian Idol who were auditioning in Regina.  The chorus donned “I Love Regina” t-shirts and sang and danced their way into the hearts of the production crew.

The costumes were usually handmade and took many hours of labor by many helpers. One memory was of sparkly sequins being put onto a costume in one chorus member’s home. Her husband reported eating glitter in his cereal for a week after. 

The present slogan for Prairie Gold is “Come for the music; Stay for the fun”.  Over the 40 years of performing, the chorus has been fortunate to bring the art form of barbershop to the community in so many different venues and situations. They have performed in business functions, sporting events, health care facilities, special occasions, and outdoor markets.  For the audience, we hope it has brought much fun and enjoyment.  For the chorus members, the chance to get “dolled up” and sparkle on a stage wherever that may be is always the joy and reason we continue to love being a part of this amazing group of women. 

Helen Olinik said this” Prairie Gold has been my second family, giving me opportunities to learn new skills and make new friends. One year, 1996,  I believe, we had 6 sets of sisters in our 36 member chorus.”

The chorus has become a family and the love and support that it brings to each member is something to be very proud of.  The creating together of music and memories is so special.  No matter what troubles you may have, they were left at the door and  singing together always helped.

By attending the Regional and International events, the many workshops and  the wonderful coaching sessions and with the network of supports from all the organization, chorus members have been the recipients of much wonderful musical knowledge and training.  But they also have been able to meet so many fantastic people over the years.  The feeling of family extends to all of those people as well. 

Working together to achieve a dream is an amazing and fulfilling endeavor.  In the past, fundraisers were essential. Bingos and many a hot dog or bake sales were held to raise money for the chorus, as well as chorus shows and singouts. The support of family and friends was also so important.  The “barbershop widow” phenomenon is real and continues today. Prairie Gold has many people to thank for their 40 years of fun and harmony. 

We want to send our heartfelt thanks  to those who have helped our chorus fulfill its goals and we want to send words of encouragement to all choruses and quartets competing this year.  To the coaches and the management team of Region 26, keep working to ensure the choruses of the coming years have the chance to shoot for the stars. 


Marcia Pinvidic - Recipient of the Cammi MacKinlay Leadership Excellence Award 2023


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