Alberta Northern Lights Chorus

A very Happy New Year to everyone in Region 26 from Alberta Northern Lights Chorus!

It has been a busy few months for our singers! In early December, we were thrilled to have coaching with the incredible Erin Howden, Director of the 2024 International Champion Chorus, North Metro. Erin shared her expertise, talent, and warm passion for barbershop with us. What an amazing experience!

Our Christmas season was packed with performances — from singing at Christmas markets to entertaining at senior’s lodges, and culminating with our cherished annual tradition of performing at the Alberta Legislature. It was a wonderful way to close out the year, sharing music with our community!

Our New Year got off to an exciting start when we had the honor of singing the National Anthem at Rogers Place for an Oil Kings hockey game. There’s nothing quite like the energy of such an event!

January also brought us another fantastic opportunity for growth, as we received coaching from the multi-talented Caitlin Castelino, Baritone of LoveNotes Quartet, Director of Diablo Vista Chorus, and a member of the International Faculty. Caitlin shared her knowledge and skill with us …. and we shared snow (her first time) and brutally cold winter weather with her (sorry).

With Regional Competition in Surrey just around the corner in May, and International Competition in Columbus, Ohio in October, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for another year of growth — both individually and as a chorus. We can’t wait to continue this journey!


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