Pacific Edge Chorus - Setting the Stage

Pacific Edge Chorus - Setting the Stage

Like a gust of wind rushing through us, excitement builds, approaching the home stretch to the international contest stage in Louisville. When we pack our bags, we’ll gently fold in skills, advice, dreams, lots of fun, and even members who will not attend contest – thanks to Gwen Foster, Fran Errington, and Nancy Townsend - our ‘Cheer Squad’. After all, being a member of a chorus means we’re all winners and everyone will be accounted for in our hearts as contestant #30, Pacific Edge Chorus takes to the stage.

Lucky are we to have Julie Smith and team, work with us over the years. Marcia Pinvidic and Judy Pozsgay joined with Julie on Sept 15, 16th, to help us add another layer of WOW to our format. We went home feeling full and free to tell our story. On Oct 3rd Queen Anne Downton will be returning to add yet another dimension. These women pull out all the stops, so we can feel our power and just when we think we’ve given it all – we find more.

We are so happy to announce that two of our members, Syd Bullock, and Gwen Foster, registered for the Arrangers program. Gwen mentioned that she and Syd had discussed the program while attending the leadership seminar in Abbotsford recently – when they got back, they registered. Syd had arranged ‘Early One Morning’ that we sang in our Some Knights show last fall. Diane Butler has been guiding and arranging with us for years. Having this threesome on board is sure to strengthen our chorus and repertoire, and what a great support ring for them and others who chose this program. Congratulations and Good Luck Syd and Gwen as you nurture your creative spirit and develop new skills.

We sang our Welcome Song to two more members since the May MLX update, and again have perspectives in the wing. Welcome back Mary Wulff and welcome to our chorus Joanna Verano. We have new bees ‘of all sorts’ competing with us: 1st contest; 1st international; 1st time performing with our chorus ever; 1st time competing with us at contest; 1st time performing ever. We’ll be creating a buzz for sure, as we stage. 😊

Our Cheer Squad continues to brighten the path to contest. The ‘Getting to know you’ segment is a hit. Members submit a mini bio of their life. Cheer Squad Chair, Fran, reads two bio’s a week. During the read, intrigue escalates as we try to identify whose bio it is. What interesting people - from meeting a member of the Royal family; to getting lost for a day, on horseback, in the Mojave Desert; to operating a tractor, helping with family home/yard improvements – Rock on women.   

On Oct 14th we’ll be taking to the stage to give our family and friends a Sneak Peek of our Louisville contest pkg. Our special guests will add even more to the evening: the men’s South Island Harmony Chorus, Nanaimo’s Island Harmony A Cappella Chorus, and quartets: Chrysalis, Cloud 9, and Rumour Has it. The event will give our new bees a chance to feel the ‘empowerment in performing’ and reinforce our performing skills.

Thanks to Pres Frankie Elder, and Director Julie Smith, for keeping us on our toes with reminders of how to avoid illness and spreading it – we need reminders that the remnants of the past few years - still lurks.

A summer fest of games, presents, singing, tons of food and bevies kicked off our two-week vacation break this summer. A huge ‘thank you’ to Cathy and Derek Crawford for opening their home to our chorus, that gave us a chance to celebrate the warmth of each other and the season. As autumn falls upon us, everything still seems to be coming up roses😊

Barb Denbow & Editors: Norma Ritchie, Fran Errington, Suzanne Adams Barrie

Pacific Edge Chorus - MLX, PR, Cheer Squad, and Membership


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