Southern Accord Chorus
It was wonderful to have new voices on the risers brought in by the draw of singing Christmas tunes with a twist.
Southern Accord Chorus presents Harmony Connections: Celebrating 25 years with our Community
Southern Accord Chorus is announcing an unforgettable evening of musical celebration as we mark the 25th anniversary of our charter with Sweet Adelines International.
Southern Accord
This year is the 25th Anniversary of our Charter and we have several performances coming up including a big show in October.
Southern Accord
So glad we have Covid in the rear view mirror, but looking back, it is remarkable what we learned during that time. Virtual song production, Zoom, Jamulus, applying for grants, FM channel singing – we feel like we had success with a lot of new things.
Southern Accord - Car-bershop during Covid
Southern Accord has found a way to do this in real time with something we are calling Car-bershop – a name borrowed from another group. Other choruses are using similar technology but this is our version.