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Young Singers in Harmony Report Fall 2019
Young Singers’ workshops throughout the region - fun & successful!
Congratulations, Milestones & Best Wishes - Fall 2019
Congratulations to Cammi MacKinlay, Desert Sounds Chorus and Holiday Greetings from Alberta Gold.
The Sing Canada Harmony Coffee Challenge
Hi ladies of Region 26! It’s Fran Thorson here, and I'd like to introduce myself as the Region 26 representative for Sing Canada Harmony!
Harmony College Northwest
A less well-known opportunity for barbershop education is offered by Harmony College Northwest, located in Tacoma Washington. The college was a dream of barbershoppers of Pacific Northwest who envisioned an annual fun weekend of education in singing skills and barbershop style.
Region 26 Rocks at International - NOLA 2019
What an experience! And hard to believe that it is over already. It seems like just yesterday that we were learning our contest songs and making the myriad other preparations for the competition.
Sweet Adelines on Parade
As we stood there in the Calgary drizzle, draped in our Dollar Store rain gear and our snazzy new neck scarves, we were impervious to the cold and damp. We ARE Sweet Adelines and we were there to SING and share our love of Barbershop harmony.
2019 Regional Competition Thoughts & Observations
Wow! What a showing in Region 26. Is it just me or did we see some amazing improvement this year? Region 26 is alive and well.
Before the results - let me touch on some highlights. Besides the sisterhood, the amazing boutique, the flawlessly run transportation, the friendly volunteers and the fantastic judging panel, here are some of my observations.